The slogan was clear: without a modern train there could be no development for this land. Extremadura commemorates its day with its sights set on the railway after “the shame” experienced this summer, with an incident every three days on average on tracks that in some sections date back to the 19th century and still have wooden sleepers. Yesterday it was the mayors who struck the blow on the table to say enough is enough, thus giving the municipality back a lost role in the acts of the Day of Extremadura. More than 200 councilors of all political colors joined the Pact for the Railroad in the Assembly to contribute from the local sphere to this just demand, in an act chaired by the leader of the regional Executive, Guillermo Fernández Vara, and the president of the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Extremadura (Fempex), Francisco Buenavista.
The commitment of the mayors is a new step on the path that began in March 2016 with the signing of the pact by the UGT and CCOO unions and the Extremadura Regional Business Confederation (Creex), and which was later opened to groups MPs with representation in the Assembly. The document includes the diagnosis of the situation, as well as the set of claims with a horizon to 2019 and the demands for the modernization of the railway in Extremadura, which go through a high-speed connection with Madrid and convoys of the 21st century over medium and short distances.