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This publication is part of the co-creative project of Iberian Southwest Corridor.

This publication is intended to influence for the restart of railway passenger connections between Lisbon and Madrid in the southwest. Therefore we propose 93 corridors with significant elements that connected form a superior entity and intertwined all the corridors give it a unique and complex identity on a global level.

Probably not all who are, nor are all who are. Each person may have different interests and visions that allow him to define new corridors or to value the elements of each corridor in a different way.

In the next few month we will develop a co-creative process of the corridor through social networks, internet and presentations in different cities of the Corridor. It is planned to carry out at least one corrected and enlarged edition of this publication, therefore we warn and insist with a stamp that indicates that the process is in progress.

We encourage everyone who wants to collaborate to participate in this process in the face-to-face and online sessions. 

93 stories that allow us to visualize the universal dimension of the Iberian Southwest Corridor


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